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    USP Law Students Offer Free Legal Consultation Services

    Law students from the Emalus University of the South Pacific will be offering free legal consultations to the public based on social problems that are now affecting the society as a whole.

    Scheduled to commence on August 31, the group of 25 students undertaking Law Clinic (LW391) are appealing to the public to come by the campus, to the Community Law Information Center at the Moot Court building and receive free legal advice and assistance, especially clients who cannot afford a private lawyer.

    LW391 students are trained in legal skills, professional practice and ethics and to gain practical experience in a law firm where they are required, to interview and take instructions from clients, research and prepare legal advice, manage client files, write letters of advice to clients and correspond with other law firms, draft court documents, brief counsel and attend the Magistrates and Supreme/High Court with their clients.

    The Law students are encouraging women and girls to also come forward and talk about their personal and social problems either faced in their homes, workplace or in the public that should be legally addressed.

     Though the students are not in position to take on any case, they are only allowed to provide legal advices and to refer clients to the best eligible lawyers.

    The students will be providing legal information on the following matters: Criminal cases, Employment issues, Money claims, Land disputes, Contract issues, Eviction issues, Wills & Probate issues, Domestic violence, Child/Spousal Maintenance, Custody and Divorce.

    Interested individuals can also learn more about the Law system and the Public Solicitors Office.

    The Community Legal Center at USP will be open from Monday to Friday (8am — 12pm), starting from the 31st of August.

    Source: Daily Post