Opening Hours

7:30 am to 4:30 pm

(+678) 33160 | 23450

    The public solicitor's office career talk with the student from Onesua presbyterian college.

    The Public Solicitor’s Office was invited to attend the Onesua Presbyterian College career talk with the students. On the 6th of May 2023 the staffs of Public Solicitor, Henzler Vira, Fotuviri Kalsakau and Glenn Talae took a forty-five-minute drive to the northern part of the island Efate.

    PSO Awareness to YCV concerning legal issues affecting the Youth

    A team of six (6) lawyers attended a legal awareness at the Department of Meterology & Climate Change conference room on 27 July 2021. The team responded to a request from the Youth Challenge program who were preparing 34 youths for social and worklife. The aim of the awareness was to discuss the criminal laws and the legal issues affecting youths and the society as a whole today.

    PSO Records Management

    The Office of the Prime Minister under the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aid Coordination conducted a 3 days seninars on wednesday 09 to friday 11 June, 2021 at the Grand Hotel. The purpose of the 3 days seninars is to enable government employee to understand the benefit of the management records and public acess to government informations.

    2021 PSO Retreat

    The Staffs of the Office of the Public Solicitor attended 3 days in house retreat from 26 - 28 May 2021. The retreat was conducted via True Conference mode linking provincial offices in Tafea, Sanma and Malampa with Port Vila head office.

    PDLP students placement

    Office of Public Solicitor Farewells 3 USP PDLP students, Regie Melsul ( Vanuatu), Kalo Amos Pakoa ( Vanuatu) and Mikaere Kakiarerei ( Kiribati) on Friday 21 May 2021 after 4 weeks placement. The Public Solicitor acknowleged them for choosing the Public Solicitor's Office for their placement. He thank them for their contributions to the office and encouraged them to apply for any advert within the PSO.

    USP Law Students Offer Free Legal Consultation Services

    Law students from the Emalus University of the South Pacific will be offering free legal consultations to the public based on social problems that are now affecting the society as a whole.